Google Ads Gotcha Guide

Discover Google Ads’ sneaky default settings that most people

don’t know, and are costing money!


Unfortunately, Google Ads is FULL of little sneaky default settings which are strategically designed for YOU to spend more money (for little to no gain) and for Google to MAKE more money.

So in this guide, I reveal ALL these sneaky settings which you need to change when creating your campaign.

In This Guide I Reveal:

​The hidden setting which (if left unchecked), will mean your ads will be shown to millions of people!

Location target setting, opening up your ads to show in places you have not selected (despite you choosing where you want your ads to show)

BID STRATEGY: Changing the default bid setting, giving Google the authority to bid whatever they want on your keyword.

​AND over 10 more sneaky settings!


About Ilana Wechsler

Hi, I’m Ilana Wechsler, former data analyst, turned PPC expert.

I discovered the world of PPC about 10 years ago when I left the corporate world as a data analyst.

Funny, I’m actually not the usual sob story of someone who hated their job and always dreamt of being an entrepreneur – *yawn* (I told you I’m different to those ‘other’ Internet Marketers with their never-ending ‘rags to riches’ stories).

Truth is, I actually loved my job and had every intention of going back when I left for maternity leave.

But, to cut a long story short, I fell hopelessly in love with my son. Unable to bear the thought of only seeing him on week-ends, I decided to work from home. 

Through a process of exploration, I discovered the world of PPC which was the perfect fit for my skills as a data analyst. I quickly fell under the spell of PPC and became even more enthusiastic when I saw the results I was getting my clients!

Fast forward 10 years (and 3 kids later!), I’ve been running a dedicated PPC agency for many years where we manage over $1 million on behalf of clients. I also teach Google AdWords and Google Analytics at the University of Sydney, run numerous in-person workshops and am a frequent speaker at international conferences.

In fact, this year spoke at Social Media Marketing World in San Diego 

(you can see here) and also at Seller Summit in Florida.

I guess you could say that Pay per Click is a bit like another ‘baby’ —I’m a bit obsessed!

When I’m not helping people get amazing results from their PPC campaigns, I enjoy family time with my kids here in Sydney. I wish I could say we simply take long walks on the beach, but the truth is ‘family time’ mainly consists of running between soccer practice and kids dance classes, as any fellow parent will know.

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